Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Learning from Kids - Being unstoppable

This is something I always love. observing kids in what they do and how they learn things. And interestingly , they pick up most of the things from parents (and we wonder "where did u learn that from?"). My son is very good at immitating his mom :-P (some mannerism, speaking etc)

One thing I observed and learnt today is "being unstoppable". Here's how it all went about.
One of his friends at play home had made a paper toy (he calls it scary finger). He wanted another one of the similar kind and asked me to do it. I looked up from my laptop screen and shrugged indicating "I dont know how to do it". what happened next took me by real sweet surprise. My son fishes out his school diary from his bag, ruffles through the pages with a serious look on his face and after some time comes to me holding a page open and says "This is his number (that guy's dad'ss number). call him and ask him" . I was like "waattttt, noo way.. not at 10 in the night". My son almost took the phone and started dialing which is when I sprung into action  of cajoling , convincing. Realising that it did not go through well, I offered to make something else, but he was clear about what he wanted (and something that I did not know to make) ..So, I had to do find means of doing it. Did some reverse engineering on the already done toy and managed to make a similar one. And boy, was he happy to see it?? loved the expression on his face :-)

Bottom line .. when something appears to be urgent, we find one way or other to make it happen. Only thing is most of the things in life are important to us, but not urgent and we keep postponing it till it becomes urgent :-)



  1. Very nice incident Karthik, we go over these kind of situation every day, but frankly not many has patient to listen to our children’s & atleast try.
