If you are thinking that I have misspelt the word, you are in for a surprise. This is known as 'Spoonerism' named after the person who made it famous , William Archbald Spooner.The first time I heard the spooner'd version , I was sure that it was a mistake until I learnt about it in detail. More details on it over here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spoonerism
Most of us have grown up hearing this phrase (I mean the un-spoonered version), which is "Nobody's Perfect". And there has been numerous quotes/1-liners based on this. Over a period of time , we gather evidences of 'imperfectness' against people/circumstances and make a perception/view of everything. The majority of time we look at ourselves and see whats "NOT" perfect about us and focus on perfecting that. Also , we receive feedback on how "imperfect" we are in different aspects from different people at different point in time. Our limitless storage device, the brain, stores all these information and off we go "trying" to perfect all or most of the imperfectness. If we pause and take a look at the various things we do, it would be evident that most of the time , its about fixing/changing ourselves or the circumstances or the people around us. Anything wrong or bad about it? No. That's how we have programmed ourselves.
Last week, when I had a meeting with a long time friend of mine, I realised that both (my friend and me) related to one other friend in a fixed way, more so because of the experience that we had with that other person. Very soon we were talking about the imperfection in that person. Later when I went through the entire conversation in my mind, I realised that we had imperfections as well, but we had comfortably forgotten that. Here's where the thinking and the attitude change would make a difference. Before going there , lets look at the dictionary meaning of the word "Perfect". There may be numerous meanings, but the topmost is
Lacking nothing essential to the whole; complete of its nature or kind.
In simple words, however each one or each circumstance is , they are perfect and need no changing or fixing. I know this might not fit into the logical reasoning , but for a minute , imagine if we applied this.
When I realised that I was relating to my friend in the fixed way, I told myself and the other friend that however people are, they are fine. They are the way they are. When we said that the other friend is perfect the way he/she is, we started to see whole new perspective and our attitude towards that person changed.
This is a simple but effective mechanism, but for this , you should keep away all the past perspectives/views/judgement/evaluation about the other person away and say to yourself that however he/she is , he/she is perfect the way he/she is. I did see a difference and I hope you also see a difference.